Ways to Help

In a disaster, you don’t rise to the occasion, you sink to your lowest level of preparedness. Your level of preparation will determine your reaction to whatever event happens and how well you will recover.

Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)
Medical Reserve Corps (MRC)
American Red Cross
Amateur Radio
Volunteer Coordination Center (VCC)
Stop the Bleed
-Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Help email tooeleresponds@gmail.com if you would like to become trained to help in the EOC
Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters (VOAD)

Monetary donations are always best and always donate to a reputable, vetted organization.

Tooele Responds
 Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters (VOAD)

DONATE IN-KIND GOODS, but only when requested.
See www.tcem.org under disaster information or go to Tooele County Emergency Management’s Facebook Page

Cash – financial donations get help to people fast.

VOLUNTEER with your organization or with a business who helps in disasters